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Campaña “We can get through this together”

El Centro de Conservación de Manatíes ha comenzado una campaña publicitaria ante la pandemia del Coronavirus COVID-19.

La misma detalla que juntos podemos superar esta situación, y exhorta a unirse al Centro ayudando a los animales marinos a sobrevivir durante la pandemia a través de una donación.

Los artes de la campaña incluyen a los pacientes del Centro: manatíes, tortugas marinas y pelicanos. Al momento el Centro atiende a dos manatíes (Guacara y Loíza), 4 tortugas marinas (Bagua, Anki, Mydas y Chely), y a 5 pelicanos (Coco, Artemis, Hestia, Apolo y Demeter). Además, personal del Centro atiende de forma remota un manatí Antillano en Guyana y un manatí amazónico en Colombia. 

Se exhorta a todos los que puedan en este momento a apoyar al Centro, ya que la pandemia y la situación económica que esto ha creado ha disminuido grandemente las aportaciones corporativas. Los donativos se pueden hacer en la página

Juntos podemos sobrepasar esta pandemia si nos mantenemos unidos como pueblo, en la casa, y llevando a cabo las recomendaciones de salubridad.

Así lo lograremos.


El Centro y la Pandemia / The Center and the Pandemia

Queridos amigos,

El Centro de Conservación de Manatíes permanecerá abierto todos los días para tratar manatíes enfermos, heridos y huérfanos y otra vida silvestre marina. Sin embargo, estaremos cerrados a visitas públicas. Además, se han modificado los siguientes programas y servicios:

• Nuestro programa de voluntariado se suspende temporeramente.
• Nuestro voluntariado estudiantil como parte de las clases se suspende temporeramente.
• Todos los programas educativos y visitas se cancelan hasta el 1 de abril de 2020.
• Todas las experiencias de cuidador por un día se cancelan hasta el 1 de abril de 2020.

Como todos, esta pandemia nos está afectando financieramente. Cuando sea posible, alentamos a nuestros seguidores y patrocinadores a que envíen sus donaciones o hagan una promesa de donativo para estos meses de primavera y verano. Es la única forma que podemos seguir rescatando y cuidando de animales silvestres.

Nos tocará a todos superar este evento pandémico, al mismo tiempo que cuidamos a nuestros manatíes, tortugas marinas y pelícanos rescatados. Juntos podremos.

Gracias y mantengámonos todos a salvo.

Dear Friends,

The Manatee Conservation Center will remain open daily to treat sick, injured, & orphaned manatees and other marine wildlife. However, we are now closed to public visitation. Additionally, the following programs and services have been modified:

• Our volunteer program is temporarily suspended.
• Our student volunteering as part of classes is temporarily suspended.
• All educational programs and visits are cancelled through 1 April 2020.
• All caretaker for a day experiences are cancelled through 1 April 2020.

Like everyone, we are being hit hard financially by this pandemic. When possible, we encourage supporters to maintain your donations coming or make a pledge for these spring and summer months. Is the only way we can continue to rescue and treat wildlife.

It is going to take from all of us to surpass this pandemic event, at the same time that we care for our rescued manatees, sea turtles and pelicans. Together we can.

Thank you and let’s all keep safe.


Two manatees released back to the wild

I am happy to announce that we successfully released back to the wild two manatees in Puerto Rico.

Tureygua and Mabo, both males, were rescued as calves in 2015 and 2016 in Isabela and San Juan, respectively. They were released today in the mouth of the Espíritu Santo River in Rio Grande at 475 lbs each.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all involved in the rescue and care of these two manatees, particularly the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, US Fish and Wildlife Service’s Caribbean Ecological Services, and Inter American University, all instrumental in this accomplishment by their support, permitting and endorsement of the Puerto Rico Manatee Conservation Center . Gracias, gracias, gracias for their support on our conservation work. We thank as well the three veterinarians that worked with these manatees, Antonio Rivera, Ricardo Martínez and Lesly Cabrias that looked after their medical care. But of upmost importance, thanks are due to the entire staff of the Manatee Center and its over 60 volunteers, who day and night looked after the husbandry of the manatees and their tank habitats during these 4 years.

The manatees were fed through in-kind donations of Caribbean Produce, Hill Brothers, Econo, Costco, Puerto Rico Supply, Banco de Alimentos, as well as Coca-Cola Bottling Company (bottled water). Dallas World Aquarium, EcoElectrica, Plaza Las Americas, Georgia Aquarium, Coqui Charities, Laboratorio Clínico Jollymar, Bahia Beach Resort, among others, provided support for their rehabilitation as well. During the passing of Hurricane Irma and María through Puerto Rico, the organizations part of the Manatee Rescue and Rehabilitation Partnership also donated supplies for the care of these two manatees. The contribution of all these “manatee friends” was key to our rehabilitation work with Tureygua and Mabo.

Both manatees will be monitored through satellite telemetry in cooperation with biologists from the foundation Alma de Bahía at Bahía Beach Resort.

Again, thank you for your help and participation in their rescue, rehabilitation and today’s release back to the wild.


Nuevo paciente quelónido

Hoy personal del Centro de Conservación de Manaties en la Universidad Interamericana en Bayamón rescató una tortuga verde (Chelonia mydas) encontrada por el salvavidas Roger Palacios en el balneario de Punta Salinas en Toa Baja.

La tortuga verde juvenil se encontraba flotando por lo cual su carapacho está lleno de alga verde filamentosa. La misma presenta deshidratación, 5 tumores de fibropapiloma en el cuello y los ojos y esta muy bajo peso para su tamaño. La tortuga hembra de unos 46 cm (18 pulgadas) de largo y 10 kg de peso, se encontró débil y letárgica. Luego de ser examinada por veterinarios del Centro y ser hidratada con suero subcutáneo, el quelónido fue admitido a rehabilitación bajo cuidado crítico y en cuarentena.

La tortuga verde, o peje blanco como le dicen los pescadores en Puerto Rico, es una especie protegida por su estado de peligro de extinción alrededor de todo el mundo.


Use of an invasive seagrass for manatee pre-release diet training

Herbivorous manatees in Puerto Rico feed on a variety of seagrasses. The four main species of seagrasses in their diet are manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme), turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum), paddle grass (Halophila decipiens) and shoal grass (Halodule wrightii).

While at the Puerto Rico Manatee Conservation Center we feed manatees in rehabilitation with different types of vegetables, mostly lettuce, close to the end of their rehabilitation and prior to being release back to the sea, they must learn to eat natural vegetation. For this, the Center offers manatees during the last 6-9 months prior to release, invasive freshwater plants (water lettuce [Pistia stratiotes], water hyacinths [Eichhornia crassipes], waterthyme [Hydrilla verticillata]), and a taste of local seagrasses (manatee and turtle grasses). A “taste” means that these seagrasses are offered, under permit, in limited quantities due to the protected nature of these flowering plants. But the invasive freshwater plants are abundant in lakes and rivers throughout Puerto Rico, and being invasive, it is legal to collect and destroy them as plants that can be detrimental to the environment. However, in this case their collection is for a good cause.

But recently, an unfortunate opportunity has open up to help manatees in rehabilitation get accustomed to a more natural marine diet prior to being released back to sea. Another invasive plant has been discovered in the Caribbean and Puerto Rico. This is a seagrass from the Red Sea and Indian Ocean named broad-leaf seagrass (Halophila stipulacea). The marine plant is now found spreading rapidly in different parts of Puerto Rico, particularly in Culebra, Ceiba and Jobos Bay, the latter two primary habitats for manatees. Biologists from the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service fear that it may compete and displace local populations of the other natural-occurring seagrasses.

The DNER is removing these in specific natural reserve areas, and in doing so, are offering the collected seagrass to the Center to train manatees scheduled for release onto eating natural marine vegetation. In October 2019, biologists from the DNER Jobos Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve delivered 20 kilograms of broad-leaf seagrass, which the two manatees scheduled for release in January 2020 ate readily.

While the Center does not expect to fulfill the entire dietary needs of manatees in rehabilitation with invasive plants, at least it is a way for naive manatees to hopefully understand that once in the wild, they need to feed on a variety of plants. They need to eat what ever plants are available, which in turn, provides them with a better chance of surviving. Thus, the use of invasive plants, both freshwater and marine, appear to serve endangered species conservation through their use as supplemental and pre-release diet training while under human care.

It is all a matter of taking a chance on opportunities, even if they come in the way of an invasive species problem. In a way, turning these opportunities into an aquatic plant fiesta for manatees.
