Dallas World Aquarium–A guardian angel

During these difficult times of quarantine, social isolation, and loss of life as a result of COVID-19, the Puerto Rico Manatee Conservation Center has also been affected in different ways. The Center has suffered economically from this horrible pandemic, while we continue to work daily in the care of our current patients (2 manatees, 4 sea turtles, and 5 pelicans). But in harsh times, there are always heroes that serve as guardian angels of the smaller ones.

This is why we want to thank Dallas World Aquarium (DWA) immensely for their help and support at this time with a significant donation to allow us to continue to operate. That despite the fact that the aquarium back in Texas remains closed due to COVID-19. DWA extended their helping hand to us, to Puerto Rico, and to our manatees, sea turtles and pelicans in order to continue providing the necessary care and attention to each of our marine patients in rehabilitation.

Thank you DWA for being that guarding angel.
