The good news is that companies may donate to the Red Caribeña de Varamientos, one of the parent companies of the Caribbean Manatee Conservation Center, as per Puerto Rico Act 20, 22 and 60.
The Red Caribeña de Varamientos is eligible due to its non-profit status both locally and federally under certification 1101.01(a)(2) of the Puerto Rico Treasury Department and as a federal 501(c)(3) charity.

Based on Guide Star with a Gold Seal of Transparency, the Red Caribeña de Varamientos is a proven non-profit under excellent financial management. Your donation is used locally to care for endangered and protected manatees, sea turtles, and marine birds.

Are you ready to donate? Click on the donate icon below or drop us an email at info@manatipr.org. Upon donation, you will receive by email a receipt of your donation, a thank you letter, and a small gift to remember the species that you helped save through your support.